miercuri, 5 septembrie 2007

Low level lyrics

I still feel this void inside of me. I thought everything will be simple again but once you've crossed to the other side there's no way of returning whole again. A piece of you remains behind... and will remain there forever... to perpetuate the oddness. Now I feel that somehow I've changed into something else, a sleepless monster longing for blood thirst. You see, now my pain is real as I watch my word dissolve while still pretending that none of us saw the fall... but I did long before we jumped into it. And only blood can save me from becoming a vengeful pain-grudged wraith. They say time heals everything... but I know only blood will bring me back to myself again... and unfortunately you have no blood left for me, only pain and guilt and I can not handle them anymore.

2 comentarii:

Anonim spunea...

s'agit il d' .... (cum zicea ieri profa de franceza) ... "un vide réflexif" ... ?! :D

Wednesday September 5, 2007 - 01:39pm (EEST) by adi

Anonim spunea...

mda... bat campii ... dar si tu ... :P ... da-o-ncolo de treaba! mai termina cu prostiile astea ! tine si tu cont de propriile-ti sfaturi! :P

Wednesday September 5, 2007 - 03:47pm (EEST) by adi